

I have often wondered how BIG things happen, and quite often it is because BIG money is behind it, and BIG power. But I am not BIG or powerful or wealthy. But I do have lots of friends, and they listen to what I have to say, and some even agree with me and support me. Big things can also happen when lots of little things happen together at the same time. If for example I were to add 1p to the price of a litre of petrol and that 1p were to come my way, I would be a billionaire overnight. Now I don't want to become rich, I see that rich people are generally very dissatisfied and always feeling poor.
But there are things that could be changed in the world, things that if we were to work together we might see them change. There's a book in the bible, 1 Corinthians, which talks about us all being members of one body, and that if one part should suffer, the whole body would suffer. You may not be a Christian but you can probably recognise that in this world when somebody suffers, almost everyone around them suffers too. So whatever your belief, I am sure we can agree in this. And if we agree, then maybe you can help out in some of the causes that I have on this blog. Causes that I believe are worth supporting.